Talking Out Loud with Kiler Davenport

Facebook is an enemy of the good hard-working folks all over the world, they seek complete control and domination of the population, and they are involved in massive criminal activity around the world, they are a data collection and processing center for multinational corporations and are corrupt to the bone. They have become masters of mind control and controlling people's opinions on many levels. They have a tremendous effect on the outcome of elections and other constitutional activities, and they are involved with and invest in deadly and dangerous projects that adversely affect adults, children, and our senior citizens all over the world,

They are in bed with the CIA, NSA, FBI, DEA WORLD BANK United Nations Security Council and the World Economic Forum, and the counsel of 300. Along with hundreds of other secret organizations. Facebook is destroying this country. Abusing our children and creating a worldwide system that will cause our children to be enslaved in a living hell on earth. They are in collusion with big pharma and its arms that reach around the globe, and the community standards they claim to have are the pot calling the kettle black.

Facebook is a scam, a lie, a con, fraud, and an organization devoted to mentally enslaving every person on earth along with Google, They are making billions and billions on the information they collect from you through your post, articles, and messages. I am prepared to go to court and prove all of my allegations. I am prepared to go head-to-head and toe to toe with these criminals. They are a driving force in agenda 21 and agenda 45 and the so-called reset. The worst crime they have committed is stopping the flow of free and open speech.

This government along with Facebook and many other social media platforms needs to be abolished and the ones involved in these nefarious acts arrested and put into prison. I am asking all of you to delete your accounts and find higher ground. I remain on Facebook as a watcher and reporter to keep a check on what criminal activities they will be involved with next. They have even followed me here and are trying to keep me from typing this to you now.

They are a major part of the depopulation mission as well as the transhumanism project and they are intent on gaining complete control of the minds of every person in the known world through mind-control technology. All the information you provide on Facebook is sold and as I said they make billions and billions off your content. You are nothing but a rat in a small cage to all of these social media platforms.

If we as free people do not take a strong stand and stop Facebook from continuing to crush our ability to have open discourse and open discussion and unbridled opinions, we will stay enslaved forever, and our children will have to endure this living hell to the end. It could be said that Facebook is abusing our children and ruining their minds to the point of no return. As long as we let facebook continue to abuse and control this nation, we will never be a free people, and we will never be able to voice our true opinions concerning important issues that affect us all.

How many of you will stand with me in a class-action lawsuit to shut these bastards down and keep them from continuing to destroy this nation and corrupt our people and our children.


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