Physical Illusion We Call Reality by Kiler Davenport
All of you must realize that you have the limited ability to create your own future and these powers that be know that folks are waking up to this fact as we are teaching them to do so and how it all works. They also know that the methods they are using to keep folks clueless are very effective and they have to keep ramping up the technology to keep the mind dumbed down.
it's a constant battle between forces. propaganda, indoctrination, and programming have put you where you are at this very moment and if you cannot find a way to see how all of this mind control is working against you then you will remain clueless and stay as you are today.
it's really hard to grasp and especially to activate your higher thinking process. your brain is responsible for just allowing you to navigate this matrix in a very basic way, enough to get you through the day and put you to sleep at night to get ready for the next morning just to do it all over again in the same old way, getting the same old results. massive brain and mind change on your part takes a tremendous amount of practice, energy, and intent. most folks are so content being just the way they are and will never really change to a higher level of awareness.
you have to learn to grasp where you are and what your capabilities are and learn and practice breaking out of the little box of lies that you have been trapped in all of your life. it's not easy my friends and to some, it will be impossible.
take note of your position in time and space, concentrate on your breathing and body language. try to separate from your brain and get into the mind, for they are two very different worlds. The brain is responsible for tricking you into believing that you are a physical being in a material world. your mind on the other hand is eternal and powerful beyond imagination. ascension does not happen overnight, it can take years to break out of your current state of being but with practice, you can do it.
remember every second of every day you are creating your reality good, bad, or ugly. it's completely up to you to gain control and become a new person that is fully connected to nature and the universe at large. Nothing is impossible when you get out of the brain and power up the mind and learn how intent really works. intent can work for you or it can kill you and your future possibilities. your every waking moment is based on intent, intent creates perception and perception creates the experience and is responsible for your actions and behavior.
I am simply teaching you how to learn to developed new tools for the battlefield of the matrix and to use those tools to accomplish fantastic things in your life. get beyond the senses for they are so limited and you have so much more to explore and investigate. magic surrounds you at this very moment and you have superhuman qualities that have been suppressed since your being born into the illusion of this physical illusion we call reality.
Remember life will never be perfect and you will always have to face pain and suffering, and reality will be there to meet you every day as you first open your eyes for the new day but you can take control of how you experience the world around you buy not being boxed into the way you have always looked at things, people and places. science has proven all that I am telling you now and you can start to live a brand new and powerful existence at this very moment just by becoming aware of the power that is in you waiting to be activated.
If you are struggling or having trouble grasping these concepts just pm me or chat and I will help you with the new and extraordinary new life that awaits you on the other side of the box.
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