Overcoming the Boundaries to Higher Consciousness by Kiler Davenport

There are millions and millions of folks out there trapped deep in their monkey brains. The lower brain, The primitive brain. Their life could be compared to an elevator stuck on the first floor of a building or some are as low as the basement. You will know them by their fruits and frequencies because they are always mad, They are easily triggered, they love to point fingers at others but will never take a really hard look at themselves. Many of them are friendless and social misfits. It's almost impossible for them to self-assess or just come out and admit that they have a major problem. 

We have names for these folks too. We call them zombies, the walking dead, air breathers, air heads, the clueless ones, and dead brains. They walk around in a daze and have kind of a glassy look in their eyes. And they will do the same old thing in the same old way and expect different results. It's hard to get them to think about or be conscious of consciousness. It's really hard to get them out of themselves long enough to let them get a good look at the monkey brain things they are doing and get them to see how dangerous and destructive this kind of thinking is and how it stops them from living a full and productive life.

People trapped on the first floor as I like to call it will do almost anything to defend their lower brain position by trying to blame the bad behavior on everyone and everything around them as to why they are like they are acting or reacting in the way they do. Not all, but many of these folks have somewhat limited intelligence and lack explosive imagination, and they are not very good at critical thinking. They also have a hard time thinking out of the box because they are looking at the world from inside the box. So sad to say that most people will go to their graves completely enslaved in this frame of mind. And even worse, the apple does not fall very far from the tree when it comes to birthing and parenting. 

Yes, I am saying that the children of these misfits will have to endure this dysfunctional programming for years, or at least until they can escape the nest of nuts. Studies have shown that kids will be programmed with close to 114,000 negative inputs from parents living in this lower brain state from the ages of 1 to 18 years old. I would call this a severe form of child abuse. Many kids pick up and leave home at a very early age because of this insanity, others kill themselves, and still, others become replicas of the parents and plant the clueless seed into their children.

The human brain is so complex, and we know very little about how it works or why it works, but we do know that it is possible to move from a lower brain state to a much higher brain state. We also know that the majority of the population will never experience these ecstatic states of mind and body, simply because they have been trapped in the box for years and have not had anyone work with them to make the escape and help them move into a higher state of being. It's very difficult for those of us who live in a higher state of consciousness and run on higher frequencies to live with or even be around these lower brain states for any period of time. 

These lower brain states create division, love drama, are stuck on stupid, refuse to self-evaluate, and most always blame their problems on external forces and other people rather than taking responsibility for their actions and working to take a different path to freedom and prosperity. It's a funny thing that happens when you are fortunate enough to wake up and move to a higher level of thinking, All of a sudden you start to see zombies everywhere you look and every place you go and even some family members start to think you're crazy because you have escaped the madness of the monkey brain.

If and when you become fully awake and aware, you have to be very careful and run under the radar because others will see you as nuts and even your family might try to have you institutionalized. This has happened to many of our friends who we have helped to wake up and come out of the deep state of madness called the monkey brain. My average IQ after taking 22 tests was measured from 180 to 210 and this is why I have all of these extra sensory perceptions and strange abilities. I have traveled beyond space-time as we know it, and I have transcended the stars and visited other dimensions. I have mastered the art of knowing myself. 

My deep inner self. It took me 40 years to come into this awakening and be able to create my own future and bridle my inner rage and confusion. It's so sad to say that only a very small part of the population will ever come into these higher states of awareness or be able to take control of their destiny and escape the bonds that have imprisoned them for so many years. It's all about focus, intent, concentration, practice, energy, and frequency. We live in a vast and endless sea of pure and eternal energy, and the possibilities are endless when you reach a certain level of understanding and comprehension of how the matrix really works.

Anyone wanting to reach these higher states of knowing will first have to go through a hurtful period of completely unknowing. To see the universe and all that exists, you must first learn to know what you do not know. The idea of I know keeps you bound up and in bondage, to all the lies you have been programmed with since birth. You have to be able to rip up the old script that you have been running on for years and learn to just observe and listen and take it all in a new way. You have to be willing to completely clean out the mind of old, worn-out scripts that have been keeping you locked in place and unproductive. You have to grasp that you do not live in a physical or material world and that you are not your body or your brain or even your mind. Furthermore, you are the pure essence of being, You are unlimited energy and frequency, Life and death or one side of the same coin. Your essence has somehow transcended into this mysterious manifestation we call life, or living or human or body or being.

What we call life is but a continuous dream that will go on into infinity in one form or another. Remember, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Upon your so-called death, your energy will be dispersed throughout the cosmos and beyond at the speed of light and beyond. This life is just a rest stop on your way into infinity. The part is the whole and the whole the part, This whole idea of mind and body is a complete illusion, You are the ultimate essence of all that is and all that will ever be. Learn to enjoy this brief moment you are here in this mysterious place we call earth. You will very soon be food for worms, and this is a profound and wonderful thing. 

Thinking is fiction, so-called external reality is fiction, and this thing you call you is fiction, take time to find that eternal wisdom that is deep within you, and Be mindful and mindless. Know that you do not know, for this is wisdom. Marvel at this mystery that your brain is creating for you. Take full advantage of the possibilities and options that you do have here in this illusion.

As a Zen practitioner, I will beat you until your back is black and blue. I will confound and confuse you until you want to quit learning, but all of this is for your own good. You must learn to keep pounding the rice, You must learn to empty the mind and transcend the illusion. When you reach the peak of the mountain, you will only have just begun, remember it's not about the destination but all about the journey. And the journey belongs to infinity.


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