Points to Ponder by Kiler Davenport
Our population has fallen into a deep and everlasting sleep that was forced upon them by design. Our children have been completely enslaved by the dark state and Marxism. The public schools have become holding tanks and enslavement camps for the clueless. Our Government has sold out to the World Economic Forum and others, who are now in control of the world. Our food and water are poison, and almost everyone is on some form of psychotropic drug. Folks are slowly being driven mad, and we have all become targeted individuals. This is truly a prison planet and there will be no escape. The powers that be are dead set on bringing the population down to a select few who will bow to the masters in charge. We have allowed our freedom and liberty to be taken from us, and now we will suffer the consequences of our inaction.
Most of you have been trained to be good little slaves and shut up and do what you are told, and those who stand up and speak out are institutionalized or severely punished. The new slogan is, You will own nothing and be happy, and oh how true this is. Millions of Americans have lost their homes and a Major portion of the people are living far below the poverty line. Common sense Reason and logic have been removed from minds, and artificial intelligence Will soon prove to be the most dangerous technology ever created. The closer I get to people, the more I see them as zombies and the walking dead. It's as if their brains have been removed. Millions will be dead from the jab by 2035 and lockdowns will become the norm.
Our science cannot be trusted anymore, and those who were sworn to protect us have become our enemies. As a nation, we have become so divided and violence is on the rise, where will it all end, and how is this affecting your family, friends, and co-workers? Have you been called crazy or insane for asking hard questions and questioning the current narrative? Our hospitals have become militarized, and it has become dangerous to go to these places. We find no justice in the courts, and we find that our constitution has become meaningless to these Judges. The majority have been brainwashed to the point of no return, and changing them seems impossible. Many of you grasp that we are avatars in a computer and that all of this we call reality is just a massive illusion. These things that I am telling you are very complex and almost impossible to believe, but the sad fact is that everything I am saying here is true.
Our solar system is the size of a grain of sand and this is just the part we can see, The size of the whole universe cannot be comprehended and will never be explored. We suspect that there must be trillions and trillions of multiverses out there in the void of space-time, but we will never know for sure. Time is also an illusion, as is cause and effect and duality. All of these imaginings are born in our very complex and unexplored brains. As players in the game, do we have free will and free choice, I will let you decide. And what about this thing we call death, what does it mean, and why do we have to die? Billions and billions have died and hundreds of billions more will die. Does this mean the game is over or just the beginning of a new life in some other space-time continuum or multiverse? When I die, I just want to be dead, and I mean dead forever. If I had had a choice, I would have never ever chosen to be born into this insanity in the first place.
In the sixties and seventies, life was so worth living, and we were so happy, and now the whole world is going down the sewer. If I could only go back and live in those happy places again. What have we done to bring all of this destruction upon us? How could we have let things get so out of hand, and why are we not fighting for a better life and a new way of peace and love, and tranquility? The US is doomed because of all the dead heads that have been produced in this new age. We must be the most corrupt planet in the known universe. We are so violent and killing each other like fighting pit bulldogs. Hate seems to be the in thing, and these days a trusting friend is hard to find and keep. So many of you have your head so far up in your ass you will not grasp one word of this article, but this is ok because I write for me and not to impress my fans. For you completely clueless ones, I will tell you now that the game is over, and you lost. Things will not get any better, at least in your lifetime. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.
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