Call To Action for Community Building and Preparedness by Kiler Davenport

We are all facing some really hard times ahead and this article will focus on local community building and a call to action for folks to get to know their neighbors, so they can support each other when the shit hits the fan. The government wants us to all be divided and afraid of each other. The longer they can find ways to keep us divided, the stronger they become and the more enslaved we become. I was born in 1956 and grew up in a small town where folks really cared about each other and came to the rescue when a neighbor was in trouble. People really cared about each other, and they were always willing to go the extra mile to make sure that the community was strong and viable. Back then the police were there to protect and serve, we knew them all, and they were at our house on the weekends to BBQ and have fun. I know it seems that those days are long gone, but they need to be revived. We all need to get into a new mindset and bring this idea of a strong and connected community back into play.

The last thing this government wants is a community with unity. The last thing they want is to see folks coming together and getting along. The time is coming soon when you will remember my words here, they will be ringing in your ears. A grid down event will leave all of you without fresh water, without electricity, without a cell phone or television and many of you will be forced to get help from your neighbors and those in the community. You will not be able to survive alone. It will take teamwork and trust and a kind of fellowship that is a force to be reckoned with. In a grid-down event. You will have outsiders coming into your areas to take what you have at gunpoint if necessary. You will not be able to trust anyone that is not from your tribe. This is why you need to get out there and meet your neighbors and let them know that you are there for them in time of need.

Are you all prepared for these coming disasters? Are you keeping yourself educated and aware of what is looming just over the horizon? The time to pull resources together is now, not tomorrow or next week. We are the founders of the police, fire, and emergency medical disaster respite team and our goal is to bring folks together and train them to be able to respond to critical emergencies that will happen and teach them as many skills as possible before the shit hits the fan. In an extreme event, you will have zero emergency response teams available. Police, fire, and emergency medical personnel will be going home to protect their families and children. You will be alone and in a very deadly and dangerous position if you have not made preparations in advance. The time is NOW to make sure that you are ready to respond and are able to handle whatever comes your way.

I am not talking about if this happens, I am talking about when this happens because it will. Do you have 100 gallons of fresh water stored and ready? Do you have enough non-perishable food to last you for at least 6 months? Do you have weapons and ammunition, and do you know how to use these weapons if your home is invaded? Do you have a way to keep warm in the cold and cool in the hot? Are you prepared to go to the restroom in a 5-gallon bucket with a plastic bag in it? Do you have a way to communicate with your team in your neighborhood because all cell phones and computers will be down and out? Do you have a bug in and bug out plan developed and do your children know what to do if they are at school or somewhere else and what about your spouse, have you all planned and practiced what to do in case of a disaster?

Keep in mind, that it's so much better to be safe than sorry. Many will perish in a grid down event because they did not read this article and or did not take it to be serious. Please come join our community disaster team and learn how to be ready when any of these devastating events occur, and believe me they will, and when you least expect it. We are leaving soon to form a top gun disaster team in the northwest, and we need team members all over the US to set the example and encourage others to join us and train as hard as we do. Please understand that these dangerous and deadly events are coming, and you do not want to be unprepared or uneducated as to what to do. You can never over-prepare for these types of events, and the training we offer is beyond exceptional. You can buy so many prepper items at the general dollar store, and we will recommend inline stores that are reputable and inexpensive to buy supplies, materials, and equipment. It's seventy-five dollars to join our official disaster team and this will give you an ID card and the right to put the lettering on your car or truck that lets everyone know you are a member of the police, fire, and emergency medical disaster respite team. Those of you who want to be on our press team and report the news to our news page will also receive a press pass.

Your donation will help us build disaster teams all over the US and provide education and training to thousands. Our training is free, and we will always give you ongoing support even if you are not an official paid member, If you want to become an official member of the team email me at, or contact me via pm or call me on Skype, 903-951-5320. Also come and join us on FB for continuing education and training @ (Northwest Respite Police - Fire - Emergency Medical Disaster Team).


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