APRI Presents: Kiler Davenport and Chad Nicholson on Blog Talk Radio - Set of shows #2

The Line has Been Crossed with Chad and Kiler

The United Nations along with the World Economic Forum and World Health Organization has gone too far and decided that children are now the property of the dark state and that 10-year-olds should be learning and having sex with anyone and everyone. And this is all without the parent's consent or knowledge in most cases, and they can go ahead and have a sex change without parents consent also, and they want to start teaching children as young as 1 to feel the joys of the sexual experience. Brains have been hacked and are being hacked, and you will all soon be forced to meld with Artificial intelligence, like it or not. This simulation has gone complete mad and is out of control, and we are the only ones who can bring it into any kind of harmony or balance. The new fad is eating human meat and drinking human blood and pushing this crazy gross manipulation of children's sex organs and telling them that you can do anything you want as long as it feels good and satisfies your most secret sexual desires.

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The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back with Kiler and Chad

10-year-old Kids can get an abortion now without the parents consent, sex change without the parents consent, Government has ruled that your kids belong to the state. Human meat being sold from the internet. Pfizer sued for two billion dollars for the bioweapon and no arrest made. Wake the fuck-up you lame brain clueless airheads. I told all of you the game is over and many of you are so fucking stupid you still want to argue with me. Bill Gates has come out and said that they will now be able to fully hack the human brain, and it will be done by force.  Have you stupid motherfuckers had enough yet, I did not think so. They are coming for all of you, and you are, already, so mind fucked that you do not even care as long as you have your beer and cigarettes and a good movie on.

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Gone Fishin' with Kiler Davenport and Chad Nicholson

Fishing is so good here in these mountains and on these rivers. We are ready to do some serious fishing and use the boat for our search and rescue and recovery team also. On this episode we talked about the fucked up attitudes of these first responders and how they need an attitude change because they have a God complex and this will kill people.

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The Complexities of Human Interaction with Kiler Davenport and Chad Nicholson

You think you know when you really just do not know, You open your mouth and stick your big foot in it, You rant, you ramble, you bitch, you belittle and condemn, and your real power diminishes with every word you speak, When will folks learn to listen to those who have the true wisdom and knowledge and experience and have been out there in the real world of war, pain suffering and agony and lived to tell about it. Someone like me comes along and confronts these lame brains, and they back into the corner and cry like little babies or get mad and have a temper tantrum. These types of folks cannot recognize true wisdom when it is right in front of their face because they are so self-absorbed and blinded by false pride and a one track mind that is closed to new information and analysis. On this episode we talked about how all of this is keeping the ones who need to be working together far apart and completely divided and we are allowing it to play right in the hands of the ones who created the divisive program in the first place.

To hear the full episode click on the player below:

The Madness of Machine Learning with Kiler Davenport and Chad Nicholson

We have reached the moment of truth, Artificial intelligence Is smarter than every human being on the planet combined. It's taking over the art world, The music world, The world of creative writing, Executive assistance. Lawyer, Judge Jury, Pilot, Engineer, Science major, Bio technology, Genetic engendering, Military command, Financial and banking system, Education and so much more.

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Kicking ass and taking names with Kiler Davenport and Chad Nicholson

We seem to be the minority that is on the front lines doing the work that needs to be done to try and get everyone prepared for what has happened here in the US and what is coming. Folks that we talk to, and we talk to many are dead ass asleep and clueless as to the dangers to our freedoms that is upon us at this very moment, They are clueless to the implementation of the CBDC and the social credit scoring system that is being put in place now and the digital passport that everyone will be required to have at all times in order to move freely in the community city county or country. The left is destroying this country and have been very successful at brainwashing the masses. We are on the very edge of nuclear war and could experience an EMP at any moment now that would kill millions. The brainwashing and mind control technologies are beyond comprehension and Our Country has completely been taken over by foreign agents and most of these clueless lamebrains are still waving the fucking flag and waiting to elect a new corrupt politician. Presidents are appointed folks and not elected, It's all a dog and pony show for the walking dead.

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How complex is human communication? With Kiler Davenport, Chad Nicholson

It’s not always what you say, but it's how you say it.

Much of our communication is portrayed by our nonverbal cues and gestures, emphasizing our message or confusing it.

Adults and children routinely express their energy through nonverbal cues in their face, vocal tone, and body movements, so Zoom meetings or job interviews for remote-workers are not a safety-zone.

Enhancing or transferring our communication through body language can include eye contact, gestures, and facial expressions. Each person uses nonverbal cues daily, and most of the time, we are not purposefully controlling them. 

Why nonverbal communication is important 

As previously stated, our expressions and body movements add to what we are saying. In a best-case scenario, our nonverbal expressions support our message and help the other person understand the overall message. 

To hear the full show click on the player below:

Escaping the madness of the matrix, with Kiler Davenport, Chad Nicholson

On this episode we explored the endless possibilities that exist for you to change your current illusion of reality and reprogram yourself and go in a more positive and powerful direction. The simulation is very complex and difficult to navigate unless you learn to draw from the quantum field that you are surrounded by and take control of your life in a way that will set you on a more direct course and raise your awareness and overall consciousness. This method takes practice and passion and focus, and very few will be able to make this turn around because of the mindset that has been holding them down for years.

To hear the full show click on the player below:


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