
How to Lead a Lone Wolf Lifestyle in a Connected World

In today’s hyperconnected world, it’s easy to lose sight of yourself. We are constantly bombarded with social media notifications, work emails, text messages, and the pressure to stay plugged into everyone else’s lives. It feels like there’s no escape from the demands of connectivity. But what if I told you that living a Lone Wolf lifestyle in this connected world isn’t just possible—it’s powerful? The Lone Wolf lifestyle is about reclaiming your independence, setting boundaries, and finding strength in solitude, even as the world constantly pulls you toward interaction. It’s not about shutting people out—it’s about being selective with your energy, time, and focus. The real challenge is learning how to balance personal power with the demands of a society that often prioritizes connection over self. 1. Set Firm Boundaries The first step in living a Lone Wolf lifestyle is to set clear boundaries. The world will always demand more of you—more time, more attention, more connection. But

Step Up or Stay Silent

Far too many of you are sitting back, waiting for someone else to change the world. You act as if some invisible force will swoop in and save the day, letting you off the hook. You're hiding in your comfort zones, afraid to get your hands dirty and face the reality of what needs to be done. You think that by standing on the sidelines, you're safe from criticism, but all you're doing is contributing to the problem. You’ve got to understand that no one is coming to rescue you. If you’re not willing to step up, you might as well step aside. Take a hard look at yourself. How many of you will waste today doing nothing but posting pointless drivel, convincing yourself that you're making a difference? How many of you will keep passing the buck, waiting for others to take the lead, thinking it’s someone else’s job to handle the tough stuff? Most of you aren’t worth the salt in your bread. You’re just taking up space, breathing air without purpose. Complaining and blaming won’t

The Power of Socratic Wisdom: Embracing Critical Thinking and Authentic Living

Socrates, one of the founding figures of Western philosophy, is renowned for his commitment to critical thinking and the pursuit of truth. His teachings encourage us to question our assumptions, seek deeper understanding, and live authentically. Here are some of Socrates' most powerful lessons for leading a meaningful life. 1. The Unexamined Life: Cultivating Self-Awareness Socrates famously declared, "The unexamined life is not worth living." This profound statement highlights the importance of self-awareness and introspection. By regularly examining our beliefs, values, and actions, we can gain a clearer understanding of ourselves and align our lives with our true nature. This process of self-examination helps us make informed choices and live with greater integrity. 2. The Socratic Method: Embracing Critical Dialogue At the heart of Socratic philosophy is the Socratic Method, a form of cooperative dialogue that promotes critical thinking and self-discovery. Socrates be

Aristotle's Blueprint for Success: Timeless Strategies for Personal and Professional Growth

Aristotle, one of history's greatest philosophers, offers invaluable insights into achieving success and living a fulfilling life. His teachings on ethics, purpose, and personal development remain as relevant today as they were in ancient Greece. Here are some of Aristotle's most impactful strategies for mastering the art of living well. 1. The Golden Mean: Striking the Perfect Balance Aristotle's concept of the Golden Mean emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between extremes. This principle applies to all areas of life, from our actions to our emotions. By avoiding excess and deficiency, we can achieve a state of harmony and well-being. For instance, courage is the mean between recklessness and cowardice. By practicing moderation, we can cultivate virtues that lead to a balanced and fulfilling life. 2. Eudaimonia: The Pursuit of Flourishing Aristotle's notion of eudaimonia, often translated as "flourishing" or "well-being," is the ultimat

Memoirs of Mortality: The Haunting Odyssey of Kiler Davenport

This has been my life since I was 14. I am now 67 years old. These images will forever be burned into my mind, soul and spirit. Body after body after body. They chase me day and night. Yes, this is PTSD. The real deal. Business as usual for those of us who swarm to these grotesque scenes. Read this and know a little bit more about me (Kiler Davenport) and why I became a talk show host and non-fiction writer. Little aborted fetuses laying in my morgue in dolls clothes, in little red ski hats, like little shriveled prunes, eyes squinched, mama says don't they look so precious. I'm thinking to myself 'we should just throw them away', that is what we do with most fetuses. Mama wants a proper burial. so we give it to her. Fetus after fetus after fetus. Like little alien beings from another planet. I held them in the palm of my hand. and I said, “God, where are you?” Standing among stinking rotting decomp, swollen, oozing bodies of all race and age. the smell on my clothes fo

The New Tribalism: Rediscovering Friendship in a Fragmented World

In today’s rapidly changing world, the concept of friendship is undergoing a profound transformation. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the ancient idea of forming tribes—groups bound by shared values and mutual support—is more relevant than ever. In these challenging times, building a tribe is not just about finding companionship but creating a support network that can sustain us emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even physically. The Importance of Forming Tribes Human beings are inherently social creatures. Historically, our survival depended on our ability to cooperate within groups that provided mutual aid and protection. In the modern context, while we may not face the same physical threats, the emotional and psychological challenges of living in an often impersonal society can be just as daunting. Forming a tribe in today’s world means creating a circle of friends who offer more than just casual social interaction; they provide a foundation of real support, unders

Illuminating Truths: A Conversation with Wilbur Witt on Witt and Wittier Films

  Joining host Kiler Davenport, the Lone Wolf, was visionary artist Wilbur Witt, also known as "Bill the Butcher," for an exclusive interview on Blog Talk Radio. The captivating journey behind Witt and Wittier Films, a full-service production company founded in 2022 in Austin, TX, was revealed. With a profound belief in the Foundational Truth of sharing the good news of Jesus Christ through the lens of the camera, Witt and Wittier Films were revolutionizing storytelling one screenplay at a time. The creative synergy between Wilbur Witt and Vic Quinton, spanning three decades of friendship and collaboration, was delved into. Their latest project, "KIELIA," a love story spanning millennia, as a time traveler embarked on a quest to uncover the forbidden truth of love in Austin, Texas, was explored. The inspiration behind the soul-stirring music video "You Are My God Thing," featuring an original song by Vic Quinton, was uncovered. Filmed across the enchanting