The Final Hour by Kiler Davenport
Your brains have all been tapped into, and the machine is controlling your future. They give you just enough power to give you the illusion of freedom, but it is only an illusion. Our Country is no more, our freedoms taken, and we will remain slaves of the machine for as long as our time here remains. You have been under the spell of lies and propaganda for too long, and you have lost your ability to grasp what is really going on in this space-time matrix. You have been reduced to dogs begging for crumbs from the table of the rich and powerful. They have been sucking you dry for years and years, and you have slowly become used to the abuse. For those of you who took the jab, your life is over, and you will never be the same again, They now have full control of your mind and body and your connection to the machine can never be broken. The enemy is everywhere, you cannot hide, and you cannot run away for they will always know where you are. We have all been responsible for helping to cre...