
Fundraising Proposal for Destinie Global Communications Network

My name is Marion Pound, and I am the founder and executive director of Alternative Public Radio International, Destinie Global Communications Network, and the senior executive producer for Lone Wolf Radio, being a certified personal caregiver for 24 years I created the Police, fire, and emergency medical disaster respite team, We are an all-volunteer 24-hour on-call emergency medical team that is trained to assist police, fire, search, and rescue and trauma teams in the field in case of a major man-made or natural disaster, I am working on training a special team to rescue animals that have been lost in these disasters and hold them until we can locate the owners and return them home. I started in radio on blog talk radio 17 years ago and have gone from 25 fans to several thousand and have built 27 pages and platforms that provide training and education as well as up-to-date news to keep the public informed as to what is going on in this very confusing and complex world we live in tod...

Destinie Global Communications Around The Web by Kiler Davenport

Welcome to Destinie Global Communications Around the Web. To view the full magazine click on the four arrow image on the bottom right-hand corner of the page. Also, to view each individual page click on the arrows on either side of the magazine or grab one of the corners of the magazine and flip the page.  Destinie Global Communications Network is a nonprofit organization dedicated to research, comprehensive analysis, education, training, community development, global outreach, disaster management, and humanitarian aid.

How the Brain Works by Kiler Davenport

To become fully awake, aware, alert, and move into a level of higher awareness, one must first learn to comprehend what it really means to be all of these things and how the brain works to keep people in the illusion that they are thinking on these levels. Most who claim to be awake are in truth dead asleep and completely unaware of these higher realms of consciousness. It is so difficult to break free of what we are calling the monkey brain. Or lower brain function. The word knowing is very limiting and constraining.  To say you know something is to say nothing. The power is not knowing, but always exploring. The key to wisdom is learning to quiet the mind and stop reacting and embellishing and impressing folks with your limited knowledge, putting on an act that you are someone you are not. It takes many years and studies and research to see this massive illusion for what it really is and grasp the fact that we live in a simulation based on pure energy, frequency, and vibrational ...

The Way You Speak by Kiler Davenport

The way you speak identifies your level of awareness and intelligence. Is your plug hanging halfway out of the wall when you are trying to describe something or get a very important point across to someone or some group? Many of you need to stop saying oh ya I learned this and that a while back, and so-and-so and bla bla fucking bla when in fact you are still shitting yellow. Many of you when you speak is just taking a big shit through your lips. You are not fully in touch with the complex elements that make up the intuitive and intense communication process. Does your life reflect that you are awake? Do your actions reflect that you are awake. Do you fumble when you speak or have trouble expressing an idea or concept?

Being Truly Awake by Kiler Davenport

Being truly awake is to operate from a base of pure energy and to grasp the complexity of this illusion and everything that comes with the illusion. You must flow through the electrical and energetic system. You must be able to describe the very complex elements that are interacting and interrelating within the system. Furthermore, you must be able to see and feel persons, places, and things for what they really are and interact with said energies in a free and easy matter. You must be in touch and grasp the many frequencies and attenuation that surround you at all times. And how these frequencies affect your relations with the universe and all things in and around you at all times.

Awakening or to Come Awake by Kiler Davenport

Ok so to be awakening or to come awake, what does this really mean, none of you know. Are you all of a sudden realizing that you missed something along the way or that you see things you did not see before, or do you see visions now, and if so of what and why? So let us say you are awake, are you still stuck in the same shit you were always stuck in, or will your life now take a drastic change, and if so how and why and when? Awake my ass. Come on the show and let me talk to you and asked you a few questions regarding this complex matrix, prove you are awake and let us know what that really means. Folks that are really fully awake are very complex thinkers. They can see the big vast picture and describe it in full and have connected all the dots, have you done any of this.I am sick and tired of hearing this word come out of most of your mouths because you have no idea what it is to be awake.

Come and Join Our Team by Kiler Davenport

Alternative public radio international, Lone Wolf Radio, and the top gun 25 executive investigative producers are looking for a few good people to join our unique team. Kiler Davenport is our senior executive producer and lives on-air host for our talk show on blog talk radio and zoom, David Ray King is the old co-host, and we have done over 3,000 talk shows to date. We are one of the most severe and aggressive teams on FB, our missions are many, and our focus is intense. It has taken years to build this dream and team. Two out of one hundred people can join and remain on this team because we are hardcore, focused, comprehensive, and well researched. We have learned to navigate the matrix and the physical and material reality illusion. Our weekly combined research hours are 3,500, and we are deep into this reset and cabal and World Economic Forum, including agendas 21 and 45. We are very detailed and comprehensive in our on-air narrative and commentary. We have thousands of declassifi...