I See Dead People by Kiler Davenport

I see dead people everywhere I go. Our community where we live has turned into the walking dead. I try and have conversations with folks about what is going on in the world, and they look at me with blank faces as if my words went right through them. They act as if all is fine and that life is peachy-keen, and these idiots still putting on these masks kill me. Do they not understand that these masks are worthless and just another way to keep us in complete submission? 90 % of the folks that Mary and I come in contact with are clueless about the state of the world. They are drawing in ignorance and stupidity. Is it any wonder that America has fallen? Is it any wonder that we have been stripped of our liberty and freedom? I know now more than ever that those who will fall for anything will fight for nothing. Strangely enough, some of us are not blind to what is going on and can see through the bull shit that is coming out of Washington and the World Economic Forum. We spend hundred...