Building the Dream by Kiler Davenport

I still have this vision of building the dream team for cross-promotion and syndication, It has been so challenging to get folks to understand the power of bringing all of our talents and experience together to form a top gun team to exchange ideas and information to expand our vision and create a form of syndication that will allow the members to have extra help when they need it from the inner circle. Many years ago a friend of mine started a group called combined talent for musicians, artists, singers, dancers, and others and the concept worked really well. He hand-picked the best of the best, and they all worked together on many projects that included community outreach and personal development, and education and training. They came together and did shows for nursing homes and recreation centers and festivals. They helped each other find work and cross-promoted each other, and it was a fun group to be around and work with, I believe we can take what he did and expand it to alternat...