Fundraising Proposal for Destinie Global Communications Network

My name is Marion Pound, and I am the founder and executive director of Alternative Public Radio International, Destinie Global Communications Network, and the senior executive producer for Lone Wolf Radio, being a certified personal caregiver for 24 years I created the Police, fire, and emergency medical disaster respite team, We are an all-volunteer 24-hour on-call emergency medical team that is trained to assist police, fire, search, and rescue and trauma teams in the field in case of a major man-made or natural disaster, I am working on training a special team to rescue animals that have been lost in these disasters and hold them until we can locate the owners and return them home. I started in radio on blog talk radio 17 years ago and have gone from 25 fans to several thousand and have built 27 pages and platforms that provide training and education as well as up-to-date news to keep the public informed as to what is going on in this very confusing and complex world we live in tod...