TO HEAR THE ENTIRE SHOW. CLICK PLAY ON THE PLAYER ABOVE. On this special edition of Kiler Davenport Live - Global Reset into Lock-Down for All Latest events examining Rothchild documents with Deborah Tavares Deborah Tavares will present evidence, exposing the connections between mysterious global trends of man‐made and corporate/military controlled technologies, weaponized frequencies, the falsified science of the “Global Warming/Climate Change” movement, and other major programs. All of which, are intended to cause damage to health, reduce the population and eliminate freedom. A primary example of this is the multi‐national program to install electromagnetic‐ radiation‐emitting 5G-ready meters (Smart Meters) and programmes that create artificial scarcity of gas, electricity and water. BIO Deborah Tavares is a 3rd generation land developer of residential construction and has been self‐employed in a family operated business for over 30 years. She specialized...